World Traveler, entrepreneur, CTO, AI application and full stack software developer from Toronto (Canada) living in Lima (Peru).

Michael Fabing
Malecón Costa Sur 682-C
Distrito de Chorrillos, Lima, 15063
I am born in France, but lived 10 years in Toronto (Canadian Permanent Resident), before moving to Lima (Peru / South America).
I am a World Traveler, entrepreneur, CTO, blockchain and full stack software developer. I have hold various positions as system administrator, web developer, product manager, system analyst, blockchain engineer, CTO and university teacher in places like Europe, Australia, Asia, North America and South America.
I have severals years of experience building web and mobile (Android) application from start to finish, from building the architecture to coding the backend and the front-end.
I am an expert in PHP/NodeJS on the backend, MySQL/PostgreSQL/MongoDB on the database, and the use of JavaScript/jQuery/VueJS and Bootstrap on the front-end.
I have many years of experience managing Linux servers, Databases, building restful and GraphQL APIs (I just build a backend API for a COVID-19 task force) and working as a technical co-founder and CTO.
I have a master degree in computer science, 20+ years of IT experience, build and manage Restful API, work with a team of remote worker, and lots of early start-up experience.
Beside my technical knowledge, I am fluent in French, English, German and Spanish.
As well, I was a Mathematic and Computer Science teacher at the University of Hanoi (Vietnam).
CTO of different AI based applications • 2022 - present
- Cymbiose Effortless, Intelligent Note-Taking using AI
- Shiftly.AI AI-driven scheduling platform designed specifically for hospitals and healthcare facilities.
- Curestatus free, easy-to-use resource for info on conditions, treatments, or clinical trials
CTO of different cryptocurrency, blockchain-based Startup • 2017 - 2022
- Cryptocanary Community-powered ratings and reviews of crypto-coins and crypto-related products
- Llanthu traceability blockchain for the agriculture supply chain industry, using Ethereum and IPFS technology.
- Wood Tracking Protocol Blockchain to stop illegal wood logging, using Ethereum and IPFS technology
- miCV Blockchain based LinkedIn equivalent project (defunct)
- Remesend send money across South America using cryptocurrencies (defunct)
- YuPay Bringing transparency and traceability to the micro-loans market using blockchain (defunct)
- Tiketly blockchain based event ticket system (defunct)
CTO and web-developer for different Startup in Toronto • 2012 - Present
- Diloo Food delivery app in Lima (Peru)
- FiNDMe.io accurately share your location with people you know in total security and respect of your privacy.
- HelpME one single button that dial the emergency call for you.
- Refill Ninja An easy, fast and secure communication app for doctors, pharmacists and patients.
- ARShop Redefining the way products are sold online using Augmented Reality within your web-browser
- The Hazel Project App that allows you to track your energy expense and save money
- FurniMagic app that lets you see how your new furniture will look in your home before you make your purchase.
- MyGolio Software platform that allows artists to connect and collaborate
- Vellgraphy web application that automatically hyperlinks construction plans.
- ResQR Smart ID tag, that connects the finder of a lost item with the rightful owner.
- CertificateBank Certificate Sharing web-application
- Transfer Agencies quarterly ranking of transfer agents by number of TSX-listed clients
- Titan Force Encryption Platform
- Yabis instant notification system for property management
- traduky online translation collaboration and management software
- Find My Stuff You loose your keys, we find them back
- SOSLostPets web-portal that connects finder of lost pets with their rightful owner
- Rabiesidtag Tag ordering system for Vet clinics in Canada
WTP-Project, Lima, Peru • 2018-now
WTP (Wood Tracking Protocol) bring transparency and traceability to the wood industry in South America.
Co-founder and CTO
WTP (Wood Tracking Protocol) is a PWA web-platform and Android Native Application that uses blockchain technologies (IPFS, Ethereum) to bring transparency and traceability to the wood industry in South America, and help to save the Amazonia.
- Build and manage all the IT infrastructure
- build the entire web application, including the front-end of the web-app
- Build a new ordering system using JSONL format, before the format was specified and approved by the W3C
- Building the entire Restufl API, using JSEND specification and web-service required by the Native Android and iOS app
- Implement the blockchain infrastructure that copy local data to mutliple DLT platform such as IPFS
Diloo, Lima, Peru • 2017-2018
Diloo was a food/product delivery web/android and iOS app based in Lima, Peru
CTO and Main-developer
The app was handling 80K products from 500 different vendors (restaurants, supermarket, hair styler, courier service, flower seller), doing 10K order per day and managing 50 concurrent live chat, all running on 1 server for $5/month
- Build and manage all the IT infrastructure
- build the entire web application, including the front-end of the web-app, as well the live chat and the backend
- Build a new ordering system using JSONL format, before the format was specified and approved by the W3C
- Building the entire Restufl API, using JSEND specification and web-service required by the Native Android and iOS app
Board Suite Corp, Toronto, Canada • 2010-2012
Free web-based "Board Portal" software provider, which can be defined as a collaborative software that allows board of directors to securely access board documents and collaborate with other board members electronically.
Software Product Manager:
- Use of Agile software development methodology to build the cloud-based Financial & corporate law board portal software using open-source technology (Ruby on Rails and MongoDB database)
- Assessment of business models, corporate law and financial regulation (Frank & Dodd and Sarbanes-Oaxley) and their integration with technology.
- Worked closely with product development, sales & marketing department and customer support teams.
- Responsible for eliciting software requirements using a Marketing Requirements Document (MRD), developing high level Product Requirements Documents (PRD) and an elaborate Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for the software engineering / development organization for subsequent design, development, and testing activities
- Responsible for creating User Acceptance Test (UAT) procedures, facilitating UAT sessions with end-users, ensuring that the product meets the specifications and is deployment
V-INT, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam • 2008-2010
eCommerce Startup company founded in Vietnam with 8 full-time employees.
Founder / Chief Executive Officer:
Founded company, chose / utilized technology, and developed sales and marketing strategies to grow the company. Recruited and managed diverse multidisciplinary team and assisted in strategic partnerships with existing vendors / customers. Motivated employees with innovative and democratic leadership approach, encouraging employees to contribute and be recognized. Developed numerous e-commerce websites.Main Accomplishments:
- Build several eCommerce website for local Vietnamese company to sell their product on-line and internationally.
Automated laser cutting, perforating, and welding machines manufacturer with over 200 staff.
International Technical Product Manager:
Managed worldwide automotive parts manufacturer accounts (Johnson Controls, Visteon, Faurecia) in laser cutting technology. Developed new business with clients in aircraft industry (Airbus) by developing specific technology for cutting light-weight materials. Visited trade shows to discuss needs of customers. Supported all marketing activities. Assisted sales representatives with major clients, discussing technical feasibility and acquiring new customers. Led evolution of laser cutting machine product line, technology changes, marketing needs, product positioning, strategic roadmap, and competition monitoring.Main Accomplishments:
- Implemented and launched first double 5-axis robot laser cutting machine (€1.5 Million)
- Identified and capitalized on new business opportunities by developing new laser cutting technologies targeted for the aircraft industry
The Vietnam National University of Hanoi has 10 colleges and faculties. They have 120 undergraduate programs, 83 M.Sc and M.Eng programs, 82 doctoral programs.
Professor:University of Hanoi Department of Economics (2 days a week - 3 classes of 15 students)
"Doan Thi Diem" a top elementary school in Vietnam (3 days a week - 6 classes of 40 students)
BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY GROUP, Auckland, New-Zealand • 2005-2006
Information technology and integration consulting firm in New-Zealand 15 consultants.
Technical Engineer:
Installed and set up 2 windows 2003 servers, with exchange 2003 and Trend micro anti-virus as well as 1 Citrix MetaFrame server with 200 thinshell client. Performed visualizations of servers, network administration, IP telephony, and maintained 5 Linux servers.Main Accomplishments:
- Implemented numerous technology types successfully to increase business efficiency and effectiveness
QUALITYTRACK, Toronto, Canada • 2004-2005
Quality assurance monitoring agency focused on call center evaluation for hotels worldwide.
System Administrator:
Installed and set up Qmail mail server on Fedora with web access, anti-virus (ClamAV), Spamassassin spam filter, and SSL certification. Furthermore, installed automatic backup and archiving system with rsync and bash scripting; visualization of server using Xen; maintenance of several Microsoft servers and Microsoft SQL databases.ALCATEL, Illkirch, France • 2003-2004
Global telecommunication corporation with more than 80,000 employees.
International Project Manager and IT Call-Center Team Leader:
In order to standardize the entire IT infrastructure across Europe, Alcanet (internal IT division of Alcatel) wanted to merge all European help desks into one central help desk. This help desk would provide first and second level technical support as well as resolve all software program errors on the server side by remote control.Main Accomplishments:
- Project manager for the merging of the German and French IT Call-Center
- Lead a team of 14 people (5 IT Engineers and 9 IT Technicians)
- Technical coordinator for the migration from Microsoft Windows and Lotus Notes servers
SCHLUMBERGER, Cork, Ireland • 2002-2003
Schlumberger specializes in oil field services that build pipelines, as well as telecommunications networks that are leased to other companies. Over 105,000 employees in approximately 80 countries.
IT Support Engineer:
IT support for major companies (Banque de France, LVMH, Conoco) using Schlumberger network. My role was to solve IT problems such as network (LAN, WAN, VPN) server (LDAP, AD, Exchange), server monitoring, smartcards and PKI issues.GLTmbH, Bexbach, Germany • 2000-2002
GLTmbH is a fiber optic specialized telecommunication company with offices throughout Germany, totaling 300 employees.
System and Network administrator:
Supported GLT customers (Frankfurt Airport, Deutsche Bank) with network problems. Supported the entire IT internal infrastructure as well as implemented a CRM/ERP software company-wide.Main Accomplishments:
- Migration of Microsoft Windows server to Linux servers
- Administration of Microsoft Windows and Linux Servers
- Installation/Setup and administered the ERP/CRM software called "ESOffice"
- Teacher of the ERP/CRM "ESOffice" software
40TH TRANSMISSION REGIMENT, Thionville, France • 1999-2000
1 year military service in the French Army.
Human Resource Assistant and Computer Science Teacher:
Worked at the Human Resources Department of the Regiment which had approximately 4,000 soldiers. My main duties included keeping track of all changes into the ERP system and clarifying all soldier paperwork requests.Main Accomplishments:
- Kept track of all employees at the Human Resources Office
- Taught computer science courses to more than 100 soldiers before their return to civilian life
Master of Science - Information Technology
Université de Lorraine, FranceActivities and Societies:
Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Software programming, Network administration, Laser Technology, Automation, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Imaging, Telecommunication technologies, UNIX/Linux, Management, Marketing, Communication, English, German, Economics.
Bachelor of Science - Electronic Engineering
LTR "Charles Jully", FranceActivities and Societies:
Mathematics, Physics, Telecommunications, Electronics, PCB engineering, microprocessor RISC and CISC, Electrical Engineering.
French, English, German, Spanish
- Team management
- Project management
- Product management
- International business
- International marketing
- Sales management
- Identifying new products
- Agile software development
- Gathering market requirements
- Conduct business-case and feasibility studies
- Building product and technology road-maps
- Elaboration of Business Requirement documents (BRD)
- Determine software requirements using a Marketing Requirements Document (MRD)
- Develop high level Product Requirements Documents (PRD)
- Elaborate Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
- Sales and Marketing support
Blockchain Application
- WTP (Wood Tracking Protocol) Blockchain platform to trace legal wood logging in South America
- Llanthu transparency and traceability blockchain platform for various supply chain industries
- Infraction Report Report an infraction to the police and earn money doing so
- Refill Ninja An easy, fast and secure communication app for doctors, pharmacists and patients.
- ARShop Redefining the way products are sold online using Augmented Reality within your web-browser
- Hazel Energy and water auditor web-application.
- Vellgraphy web application that hyper-links blueprint and construction plans together.
- ResQR Smart ID tag, that connects the finder of a lost item with the rightful owner.
- FurniMagic app that lets you see how your new furniture will look in your home before you make your purchase...
- Transfer Agencies quarterly ranking of transfer agents by number of TSX-listed clients
- Titan Force Encryption Platform
- CertificateBank Certificate Sharing web-application
- Yabis instant notification system for property management
- traduky online translation collaboration and management software
- Find My Stuff You loose your keys, we find them back
- SOSLostPets web-portal that connects finder of lost pets with their rightful owner
- Rabiesidtag Tag ordering system for Vet clinics in Canada
Mobile Application
- SOSLostPets Application that connects finder of lost pets with their rightful owner
- MLM CRM Mobile Phone CRM application
- PromoProtec Showcase list of web mobile application
- SAMS Soccer Attendee Management Software
- Flashcards English / Spanish Flashcards App
- Free Calculator free calculators such as BMI calculator, Chinese Zodiac sign... for everyday uses.
- myjourney-timeline
- NovusTeck Blockchain IT consulting
- ARShop Augmented Reality eCommerce Platform
- FiNDMe.io Easily share your location with your friends
- Noches Apasionadas event in Lima (Peru)
- Infraction Report Report an infraction to the police and earn money doing so
- Refill Ninja An easy, fast and secure communication app for doctors, pharmacists and patients.
- ARShop Redefining the way products are sold online using Augmented Reality within your web-browser
- Self Tape video recording service that provides actors with audition "self tapes"
- Dhandho Capital website of an investment firm of Toronto
- Cocktail Crawl Event Manager from Toronto
- RoseLand Interiors Interior Designer from Toronto
- Toronto Responsive Web Responsive web design
- Nmodes Lead generation and engagement platform that will grow your business fast
- Yabis instant notification system for property management
- Grammar Studio
- Professional Violinist from Toronto
- CertificateBank Certificate Sharing web-application
- Titan Force Encryption Platform
- Contagionist Wordpress website/blog
- SSStechnology Canadian Machine manufacturer website
- SSSProducts Canadian painting manufacturing company
- Eudaimon Responsive Wordpress blog for a Belgium Theater and Dance company
- Colborne Communications Publishing and edition company out of Toronto
- Professional Violinist from Toronto
- Award-winning Editor and writer from Toronto
- Annual Report Video Filming Company out of Toronto
- SPE-mail Secure, Private and Easy to use email system
- SkyMar Club Responsive web design
- Mobile Touch Toronto native mobile application software company for any type of Smartphone
- TO Ceviche Bar Peruvian Cuisine in Toronto
- PromoProtec Multi-lingual Wordpress site
- Find My Stuff Bootstrap website
- Analysis Consult Data Analysis Consultant firm in Toronto
- Mortgage Shop Toronto Mortgage Broker in Toronto
- Toronto Web SecurityResponsive web design for a local IT security company in Toronto
- Practice French Online French teaching Classes
- Directors Primer for NPO One page website about the directors Primer for NPO
- BoardSuite Private Label One page website about a private label offering
- MapFusion GIS API and web mapping tools software company
- Smatte-Design Bilingual (french-english) Website Design company (Multilingual PHP website)
- SATUS Toronto-based startup business consulting (Canada)
- Blitzstartup How to start your own company with $1.000
- V-INT Vietnamese Internet marketing company
- AVISIS Vietnamese CRM/ERP software provider
- PreviewyourLife Simple Wordpress blog
- This resume using Bootstrap v5